Christmas Activities for KS2 Language and Literacy has been designed to take you through the term leading up to Christmas, with the targets of the Key Stage 2 Literacy Strategy autumn term for Years 3–6 specifically in mind. The e-book, as a whole, covers a wide spectrum of these targets whilst providing lots of fun activities all linked to Christmas. The sheets can be used independently and most ask the child to work in the space provided.
There are just a few activities which require extra sheets of paper. Each task, or activity, has educational rigour, making the work suitable for introducing a topic or reinforcing it. The sheets are not designed as time fillers and should not be used as such. They are meant to become an integral part of the teacher’s literacy planning for the first term of the year.
The comments in the reindeers’ speech bubbles give ideas for the focus of plenary discussion sessions. For example, page 9 uses homonyms and gives the teacher a chance to talk about ‘practice’ and ‘practise’; page 10 offers an opportunity for discussion about verbs, nouns and missing subjects, such as the ‘I’ missing from ‘I thank you.’
Some of the sheets ask the children to share their reading and their writing with other members of the group and this should be encouraged wherever possible.
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