Cracking English Grammar in Key Stage 2: 100+ Creative Games and Writing Activities

100+ creative activities to help Key Stage 2 pupils learn parts of speech and punctuation and discover how playing with language can make them better writers. Look inside.

Why not create a paperback book with your children? Read this article to see how David Horner, the author, did this with one school he visited.

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ISBN: Print: 9780857478481; E-book: 9780857478504 Categories: , , ,

£12.99£18.99 price excluding tax


The activities in this book put all aspects of English grammar and punctuation in the National Curriculum into context. Through writing poems and tongue twisters, playing with sentences and clauses, performing punctuation and going to spy school to crack tricky spellings, pupils will practise and reinforce grammatical structures, patterns and concepts, even getting to grips with fronted adverbials and modal verbs.

The flexible activities can be integrated easily into any scheme of work and take no more than one hour to complete. They are written directly at pupils, so they can easily be used by pupils individually or in pairs, or a teacher can use them to teach to a whole class.

Pupils will develop their linguistic understanding, competence and confidence at the same time as becoming better, more enthusiastic writers.

Why not create a paperback book with your children? Read this article to see how David Horner, the author, did this with one school he visited.

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Weight 0.3 kg


Print: 9780857478481; E-book: 9780857478504

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Printed book or E-book

E-book, Printed book

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Teacher resource


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Why not create a paperback book with your children? Read this article to see how David Horner, the author, did this with one school he visited.


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