How to Dazzle at Scientific Enquiry
How to Dazzle at Scientific Enquiry contains 40 photocopiable activities for use with Key Stage 3 (KS3) pupils working mainly at levels 3 – 5. The activities help students to acquire the experimental and investigative skills required to conduct successful science experiments. They can be used whenever the need arises for particular activities to support and supplement your existing scheme of work for science.
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£13.50 price excluding tax
The activities provide learning experiences, which can be tailored to meet individual student’s needs.
The activities are addressed directly to the student. They are self-contained and many students will be able to work with little additional support from you. You may have some students, however, who have the necessary scientific skills and concepts but who require your help in reading the sheets.
All the activities are set out on photocopiable sheets with spaces for the completion of answers, the production of tables and the plotting of graphs, etc.
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