Joyeux Noël ! is one of the stories in Learn French with Luc et Sophie, a story-based scheme for teaching French in primary schools at Key Stage 2 (KS2). The stories feature a young brother (Luc) and sister (Sophie) and their friends and family.
Sophie wakes up Luc in the middle of night and asks him to go outside with her. Then she hears sleigh bells. Can it really be Father Christmas?
Written entirely in French, with colourful pictures and a humorous ending, this e-book will be enjoyable and memorable whether it is read to, by or with children of any age.
The vocabulary builds through the series of books providing ample words for children to use in speaking and writing activities.
Grammatical structures are introduced progressively throughout the series, providing children with the tools they need to speak with increasing confidence and fluency.
Children with early French language skills will gain confidence, and develop their language skills, when they realise they are able to read and understand a storybook in French.
There is an audio enhanced version of this storybook available in the Learn French with Luc et Sophie 2ème Partie Starter Pack.
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