The bright are different.

What are the most effective ways of meeting the multiple challenges very intelligent children can face?

Of one thing there is no doubt: the journey from being a very bright child to becoming a well-rounded, well-adjusted and sociable very bright adult, is not without its challenges.

Although many children see the very intelligent pupil in their school as having a great advantage, those very bright children do not always become the well-rounded and happy adults that we might imagine, given their intellectual advantage.

Indeed, it is not uncommon for the intelligent child at times to wish that she or he was not different, but instead could simply fit in and be like all the rest.

As a result, to understand how best to aid and support very intelligent children, it is necessary to see what it is that can cause them difficulty at school, and from that point, how they can best be helped.

Part of the problem is that our society is full of misconceptions of what it is like to be very bright – indeed it is commonplace for the media to portray the genius as one who behaves oddly, says strange things, forgets everyday rules of dress and behaviour, and so forth.

Which means that as soon as others get the idea that one or two children in the class are indeed seeing the world in a different way, these very bright pupils can find it hard to fit in.

This of course is a problem both for the school and the parents, and it can be enormously helpful if both are working together on an approach that can be used to give the very intelligent child a schooling that is beneficial and sympathetic to the child’s needs.

Thus, the volume “A Brilliant IQ: Gift or Challenge” is focussed on providing meaningful advice for teachers and parents of bright children at school – covering not only their classroom needs but also their emotional, social and physical challenges, while preparing them for the additional difficulties that being a very bright adolescent will bring.

There is more about this book on our website.  The price starts at £9.99 depending on the format selected.

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