The problem of being bright

What are the most effective ways of helping more able children make the most of what they are?
Being gifted can bring obvious benefits to a child, but it also can bring with it physical, social and emotional challenges at the same time.
Which is why the book A Brilliant IQ exists: to offer guidance on how to help more able children make the most of what they are, while at the same time enabling the school to give the support that such children need to become well-rounded, successful individuals.
Furthermore, the book enables teachers to be able to offer guidance to parents who may themselves be unsure of the best way of ensuring that their child makes the most of her/his intelligence, while simultaneously enjoying an exciting but also balanced childhood.
For although it may seem to most of us who do not fall into either the “gifted” or “talented” category, that having a very high IQ offers nothing but advantages, this is not always how the children who have such native intelligence, see the situation.
By way of example, we may consider the emotional challenges that a gifted child might face as she or he struggles to understand that others at school may not always be as open and welcoming as the talented child might wish.
Indeed, many gifted children have to learn (sometimes painfully) to refrain from demonstrating their knowledge and expertise, and as a result of which can sometimes be heard to say, “It’s not my fault that I know how to do this!”
For it is an unfortunate fact that while some adults may have misconceptions about what it is like to have a high intellect, other children in the school may cast the gifted child in the role of the outsider, when all the child wants is to be part of the group.
It is to offer guidance for teachers in negotiating what can be a difficult situation, that A Brilliant IQ: Gift or Challenge has been published. It contains practical advice on how such children can best be helped, through an understanding of how brighter people view the world and those around them.
Find out more about the book, including sample pages under the ‘Try before you buy’ tab on our website.
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