Drama Activities for the Early Years: Promoting Learning across the Foundation Stage Curriculum

Drama Activities for the Early Years contains 80 clearly laid out and ready-to-use practical drama activities relating to every area of the curriculum. It enables any early years and nursery teacher to lead and develop dramatic work with confidence and enthusiasm.

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ISBN: Print: 9781783170265; E-book: 9781783170302 Categories: , , , ,

£5.00 price excluding tax


The book explains the theories and values behind the activities and how to harness children’s natural abilities and enthusiasm, so that you may confidently create enjoyable and productive learning experiences from the beginning. Experienced drama leaders will find new ideas and inspiration. It is ideal for nursery and pre-school teachers as well as teachers in reception classes.

A topic index links the activities to popular early years themes and children’s interests, making it easy to plan drama sessions or to find a suitable activity for any occasion. Drama Activities for the Early Years is published by Brilliant Publications.

In order to develop vital self-confidence and social skills, children need frequent, regular opportunities to work in groups and to express themselves through drama.

This book makes providing these opportunities easy and enjoyable and encourages practitioners and children to create wonderful experiences and memories together.

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Weight 0.3 kg


Print: 9781783170265; E-book: 9781783170302

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Printed book or E-book

E-book, Printed book

Product format

Teacher resource


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