Speaking and Listening Activities for the Early Years

Speaking and Listening Activities for the Early Years contains 70 practical activities for developing speaking and listening skills in the Foundation stage children and helping practitioners to assess and monitor progress. Look inside.

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ISBN: Print: 9781783171231; E-book: 9781783171248 Categories: , , ,

£5.00 price excluding tax


Speaking and Listening Activities for the Early Years contains 70 practical activities for developing speaking and listening skills in children aged 2–5 years old. The activities are linked to all the prime and specific areas of the Statutory Framework for EYFS and will enable practitioners to support children’s development throughout the foundation stage and to assess and monitor their progress.

These enjoyable and productive play activities help children to develop the skills needed to listen, understand, express themselves and enjoy language. When children learn to express themselves clearly and to listen to others, they benefit from improved social skills and a greater self-confidence.

The vital communication skills covered in this book will not only provide children with the language skills they will need to succeed at school, they will also enable them to develop friendships and the ability to work cooperatively.

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Weight 0.3 kg


Print: 9781783171231; E-book: 9781783171248

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Printed book or E-book

E-book, Printed book

Product format

Teacher resource


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