English Lotto: A Fun Way to Reinforce English Vocabulary

English Lotto contains attractive, easy-to-use reproducible lotto boards. They provide a stimulating and meaningful way to develop reading, listening and speaking skills when teaching popular topics such as numbers, food, animals, clothes, classroom items and Christmas.

Three versions of each board are provided – words only, words and pictures, and pictures only – allowing maximum flexibility, particularly in mixed ability classes.

Vocabulary lists at the back of the book translate all the words used into French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Welsh and Polish.


ISBN: 9781905780907 Categories: , , , ,

£11.99 price excluding tax


The perennially popular game of lotto is an enjoyable and effective way to teach and/or reinforce vocabulary and language structures. It can be used as a teaching tool or as a fun follow-up activity after a lesson. It provides a stimulating and meaningful way to develop reading, listening and speaking skills for all the pupils in your class learning English as an additional language.

The games in English Lotto can be played in a variety of ways (see pages 5–7) and with very little preparation from you. There is no need to give the children counters or individual cards. Simply print the boards, hand them out to your pupils together with some colouring pencils and, bingo, you can start playing!

Our unique call sheets provide the ‘order of call’ and enable you to follow the game closely and to select which team you want to win. Lotto can be played in small groups, or with an entire class. There is no limit to the number of players and the games are suitable for ages four upwards.

There are seven topics in English Lotto:

  • Numbers 1–12
  • Numbers 1–60
  • Animals
  • Food
  • Classroom objects
  • Clothes
  • Christmas

For each topic there are three versions of the boards, allowing maximum flexibility, particularly in mixed ability classes.

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E-book: 9781905780907

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Printed book or E-book


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Teacher resource


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Try this animal themed lotto with differentiated boards to suit children's abilities


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