German Festivals and Traditions, KS3: Activities and Teaching Ideas for 11–14 Year Olds

German Festivals and Traditions, KS3 is an invaluable and time-saving resource for Key Stage 3 German teachers. It provides intercultural ideas for every month of the year.

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ISBN: Print: 9781905780815; E-book: 9780857471369 Categories: , , , ,

£12.99£18.99 price excluding tax


German Festivals and Traditions, KS3 is an invaluable and time-saving resource for Key Stage 3 German teachers. It provides intercultural ideas for every month of the year. For each festival and tradition, you will find:
  • Background information
  • Key vocabulary
  • Detailed lists of possible teaching activities
  • Photocopiable sheets
Ideas include making cards and writing poems, playing games and cooking traditional recipes.
Examples of festivals and traditions range from Muttertag (Mother’s Day) and Weihnachten (Christmas), to a typical school day and Die Märchen (fairy tales).
Analysis grids show where and how the Intercultural Strand of the Framework for Modern Languages is covered, both by objective and year group.
Finally, this book provides detailed plans for holding your own ‘German Day’ at school to raise the profile of MFL and enthuse both staff and children.
The activities contained in this book are especially designed for KS3 (Years 7-9; 11-14 year olds). If you are a KS2 (Years 3-6; 7-11 year olds) teacher please order the KS2 version which contains more age-appropriate activities.
Ideas include making cards and writing poems, playing games and cooking traditional recipes.
Examples of festivals and traditions range from Muttertag (Mother’s Day) and Weihnachten (Christmas), to a typical school day and Die Märchen (fairy tales).
Analysis grids show where and how the Intercultural Strand of the Framework for Modern Languages is covered, both by objective and year group.
Finally, German Festivals and Traditions, KS3 provides detailed plans for holding your own ‘German Day’ at school to raise the profile of MFL and enthuse both staff and children.
The activities contained in this book are especially designed for KS3 (Years 7-11 year olds). If you are a KS2 (Years 3-6; 7-11 year olds) teacher please order the KS2 version which contains more age-appropriate activities.

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Weight 0.3 kg



Print: 9781905780815; E-book: 9780857471369

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Age groups


Printed book or E-book

E-book, Printed book

Product format

Teacher resource


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