Mario is on Report

In this primary school assembly story, Mario comes to realise that punishments aren’t worth it, moreover, that he quite likes being good. The compassion he receives from Miss Brierley surprises him, and he is intrigued when she challenges him to be well behaved, one step at a time. This goal-setting methodology is very effective as Mario feels constantly rewarded by each instance of good behaviour and looks ahead to the experience of a clean chart.

Miss Brierley is wary of Mario’s short-temper and advises him to breathe deeply and count to 10 whenever he feels riled up. This technique comes in very handy when classmate Umah starts taunting Mario with the intention of deliberately getting him into trouble. Mario is fuming, but he refuses to give in to Umah’s goading, and instead trials his routine of breathing and counting, discovering that it successfully soothes him.

Instead of reacting badly Mario has maintained his good streak and he is proud. He even learns to be kind, proffering Miss Brierley his artwork.


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Mario is seeking praise and trying to impress his teachers. This is a marked improvement from his prior insolence, as he has learnt like listeners will, that it feels much better to be good than it does to be bad.

Children in the assembly will recognise that Umah is unkind and respect Mario’s refusal to be led astray or be tempted by his more volatile thoughts. Some may even consider the breathing / counting method for their own use.

Listeners can also acknowledge the cycle of kindness. Miss Brierley’s treatment of Mario leads him to respond with good nature too, encouraging children to be nicer to others. Mario is motivated by challenges and the positive reinforcement he receives for his achievements can be interpreted in exceeding preference over punishments.

Children with bad behavioural tendencies like Mario may find him a good role model to relate to as they perceive that he ends up happier when he is sensible and doesn’t misbehave – encouraging them to act properly too.

This story is taken from More Brilliant Stories for Assemblies, written by Elizabeth Sach and published by Brilliant Publications.

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