Physical Spanish Phonics: A Sound, Action and Spelling System for Teaching Spanish Phonics

Interactive video and audio files to teach Spanish Phonics by getting physical with sounds and actions.

Physical Spanish Phonics is a multisensory approach to teaching Spanish phonics. It has been developed using the award-winning concepts in Physical French Phonics. The Spanish resource has been produced in conjunction with primary school children over the course of several years.

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£33.99 price excluding tax

1 × Physical Spanish Phonics - Book
£23.99 price excluding tax
1 × Physical Spanish Phonics - Disc
£10.00 price excluding tax


Physical Spanish Phonics is a multisensory approach to teaching Spanish phonics. It has been developed using the award-winning concepts in Physical French Phonics. The Spanish resource has been produced in conjunction with primary school children over the course of several years.

For each phoneme, students learn an action, as well as the graphemes associated with that sound. Cheerful colourful cartoon pictures link the actions to the sounds and help to facilitate learning.

The comprehensive, full-colour teacherʼs guide provides a clear step-by-step approach to introducing pupils to Spanish phonemes. It contains practical advice, activities and guidance, along with photocopiable games and reference sheets.

Through using Physical Spanish Phonics your pupils will not only learn to pronounce correctly the Spanish vocabulary introduced, they will also gain the skills to tackle any new vocabulary they encounter with confidence.

The files on the accompanying disc are compatibility with interactive whiteboards, tablets, smartphones and computers. The disc contains everything you need to teach Spanish phonics successfully:

  • Video clips of Spanish speakers saying each sound and performing the associated action
  • Video clips of Spanish speakers saying and acting out key words, carefully selected to introduce all the Spanish phonemes
  • Audio clips of all the phonemes and words introduced
  • Attractive full-colour flashcards and resource sheets, giving you access to ready-made colourful resources for displays and games

These files are also available via the internet, for all purchasers, enabling them to be used on interactive whiteboards, tablets, smartphones and computers. The representation of sounds through letters in any language should be seen as a code. It is hoped that Physical Spanish Phonics will provide the key needed to break this code for all Spanish students.

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Weight 0.32 kg

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Printed book or E-book

Printed book

Product format

Teacher resource


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See how to use the system with the vocabulary for some family members (885.23 KB)


A picture of an interactive file (874.84 KB)


See how to use the system with 'blanco' (video) (4.43 MB)


Table showing which aspects of the Scottish ‘Curriculum for Excellence: Modern Languages – Experience and Outcomes’ are covered by Physical Spanish Phonics


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