Tengo treinta y dos paquetes (I have thirty two packets) Luis y Sofía Spanish Storybook (Part 2, Unit 8)

It’s the end of break time. Luis wants to finish counting his cards. Juan and Carlos don’t want to get in trouble, so they go inside. Luis has nearly finished counting up all the cards when who should come out but Señor Blanco!

Tengo treinta y dos paquetes is one of the stories in Learn Spanish with Luis y Sofía, a story-based scheme for teaching Spanish in primary schools. 



ISBN: 9780857479174 Categories: , ,

£1.99 price excluding tax


It’s the end of break time. Luis wants to finish counting his cards. Juan and Carlos don’t want to get in trouble, so they go inside. Luis has nearly finished counting up all the cards when who should come out but Señor Blanco!

Tengo treinta y dos paquetes is one of the stories in Learn Spanish with Luis y Sofía, a story-based scheme for teaching Spanish in primary schools. 

Written entirely in Spanish this original, fun story uses repetitive phrases and simple sentences to embed vocabulary and language structures making it ideal for Spanish beginners.

With engaging, full colour pictures and simple language on every page, this e-book can be read to, by and with children of any age.

Children with early Spanish language skills will gain confidence, and develop their language skills, when they realise they are able to read and understand a storybook in Spanish.

A picture to colour and talk about on the last page will help to develop all four language learning skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening.

There is an audio enhanced version of this storybook available in the Learn Spanish with Luis y Sofia 2a Parte Starter Pack.

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E-book: 9780857479174

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Printed book or E-book

Printed book

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Teacher resource


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