Learn Spanish with Luis y Sofía will provide you with a wealth of creative teaching ideas, all linked to the Foreign Language Programmes of Study in September 2014 National Curriculum.
Learn Spanish with Luis y Sofía is a story-based approach to teaching Spanish at Key Stage 2. This Starter pack, 2a Parte (Part 2), is for Years 5–6 with the 1a Parte (Part 1) for Years 3–4.
Each unit is based around a story featuring a young brother (Luis) and sister (Sofía) and their friends and family. The topic-based stories are written entirely in Spanish, use simple sentences and introduce key vocabulary and language structures. The Starter Packs each contain 14 full-colour printed storybooks.
Both parts include audio-enhanced e-storybooks for each of the 14 stories. The stories are acted out by native Spanish speakers bringing the stories to life. The e-storybooks can be shared with the class using an interactive whiteboard, read individually or in small groups.
The teacherʼs book contains lesson plans, translations of the stories and exercises, games and activities focusing on enabling pupils to communicate in Spanish.
The scheme is designed with non-specialists in mind and will make implementing the new National Curriculum for England easy. Self-assessment sheets make it easy to monitor children’s progress and ensure coverage of all the Programmes of Study.
Learn Spanish with Luis y Sofía 2a Parte (Part 2) for Years 5–6 contains:
• 1 copy each of the 14 storybooks written entirely in Spanish
- Unidad 1 Luis es el profesor
- Unidad 2 El verdadero profesor
- Unidad 3 Tengo el pelo negro y corto
- Unidad 4 Una carta a los Reyes Magos
- Unidad 5 ¡Feliz Día de Reyes!
- Unidad 6 ¿Qué tiempo hace?
- Unidad 7 ¿Cuántos paquetes?
- Unidad 8 Tengo treinta y dos paquetes
- Unidad 9 Luis y Sofía hacen sus deberes
- Unidad 10 Es delicioso
- Unidad 11 ¡Me voy de vacaciones!
- Unidad 12 En la clase
- Unidad 13 ¡Me encanta el fútbol!
- Unidad 14 Es grande y gordo
• CD-Rom with audio-enhanced e-book versions of all the stories, a pdf of the teacherʼs book, along with vocabulary and sentence building activities for use on a Smartboard
• Comprehensive, easy-to-use teacherʼs guide
• Audio files of stories acted out by native Spanish speakers, along with the vocabulary introduced and listening exercises.
Need more Luis y Sofía storybooks for your classroom? You can find packs of the 14 stories to buy here.
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