The Mighty Multiples Times Table Challenge – Book and audio CD

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The Mighty Multiples Times Table Challenge is a whole-school, multi-sensory approach to learning the times tables, which will appeal to all children. Through using this scheme, pupils will gain fluency and be able to recall and apply their knowledge of the times tables rapidly and accurately.

Kinaesthetic activities form a central part of the scheme. Through doing activities such as finding the 3x table pathway across the playground or participating in a long-jump multiplication challenge, children will develop a firm concrete understanding of the multiplication tables. Look inside.

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ISBN: 9780857476296 Categories: , , , ,

£37.99 price excluding tax

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£27.99 price excluding tax
1 × The Mighty Multiples Times Table Challenge - Disc
£10.00 price excluding tax


The Mighty Multiples Times Table Challenge is a whole-school, multi-sensory approach to learning the times tables, which will appeal to all children. Through using this scheme, pupils will gain fluency and be able to recall and apply their knowledge of the times tables rapidly and accurately.

Kinaesthetic activities form a central part of the scheme. Through doing activities such as finding the 3x table pathway across the playground or participating in a long-jump multiplication challenge, children will develop a firm concrete understanding of the multiplication tables.

Visual resources such as visual grouping sheets, number fans, 144 board and bingo games will help them to visualise the times tables pictorially and develop mental pictures. Pupils will love the sporty characters associated with each times table.

Pupils will love listening to and singing along with the songs and poems on the CD. These catchy songs and poems are fun to learn and will help pupils to recall their times tables rapidly.

Problem solving is integral to Mighty Multiples, giving children practice using and applying their times tables in real life situations.

The Mighty Multiples Times Table Challenge works best as a whole-school scheme. Present the in-built motivational rewards at assemblies and watch pupils strive to achieve their Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Awards. The scheme starts with number stories, so even reception children can be involved.

Tip sheets for parents give ideas for practicing times tables at the park or in the car, ensuring that learning the times tables fun for the whole family!

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Weight 0.49 kg




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Product format

Teacher resource + CD-ROM / DVD


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Long Jump Jim 10x table poem (spoken)


Long Jump Jim 10x table song


Audio recording of song

Mighty Multiples Times Table Challenge Long Jump Jim 10x poem


Free reproducible teaching resource

Mighty Multiples Times Table Challenge Long Jump Jim 10x song


Mighty Multiples Times Table Challenge Long Jump Jim 10x visual grouping


Mighty Multiples Times Table Challenge Long Jump Jim 10x word problems


Mighty Multiples Times Table Challenge Tips


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