Free French teaching resource – Bonjour ball game

Have you noticed how children retain more vocabulary or grammar in any language if they practise using it with a fun, challenging activity?

Why not try this game with your class? The children need to concentrate on throwing and catching the balls while speaking the phrases.

You need two or more different coloured balls.

How to play the game

1. Pupils stand in two lines facing each other. The end pupil starts with one of the balls, and throws it to the pupil opposite. That person then throws the ball to the pupil diagonally opposite, who throws it this time to the person directly opposite and so on. The ball thus makes its way in a zig-zag along the two lines.

2. While throwing and catching the ball, each pupil must say ‘Bonjour’. Using a different coloured ball, repeat the game, but this time say ‘Au revoir’.

3. Now, tell the children to take note of the colour of the ball. Using the red ball, for instance, they say ‘Bonjour’, and with the blue ball, they say ‘Au revoir’.

4. Start the game off with one ball again, then introduce the other ball after a couple of throws. This makes them think about which word they are saying!

You could introduce further coloured balls with ‘Ça va?’, ‘Ça va bien, merci’, ‘Je m’appelle …’. Try as many as the group can manage! You can even introduce a different language.

This game is one of 20 featured in Jouons Tous Ensemble. Each game has been specially chosen to help encourage and reinforce French language and vocabulary.

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