101 Ways to Win in Teaching in Secondary School

Experienced teacher, Gurdeep Singh, provides practical tips and strategies for secondary school teachers to help them manage classroom behaviour, reduce their workload and improve their own wellbeing.

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ISBN: Print: 9781783173549; E-book: 9781783173556 Categories: , , , , , , ,

£11.99£14.99 price excluding tax


Full of humorous anecdotes of the author’s teaching successes (and some failures), this book will be invaluable for ECTs and anyone else who is struggling to remember why they went into teaching in the first place. Gurdeep truly believes that teaching is the best profession in the world and, if you are feeling a bit overwhelmed, this book will help you to discover (or rediscover) a love of teaching.

The book provides practical, easy-to-use tips on how to build positive relationships, improve classroom behaviour and win over even the most difficult of classes. Tips include advice on seating plans, body language, getting support from other teachers and how to deal with challenging students in a non-confrontational and positive way

New teachers often struggle with the workload. Gurdeep’s practical suggestions for cutting down planning and marking time and dealing with everything from being a form tutor to parents’ evenings, will help teachers to get their evenings and weekends back.

The first few years of teaching are the most difficult. Having to deliver four or five hours of lessons each day is exhausting, both physically and mentally. When this is combined with planning, report writing, marking work and responding to parents, it is not surprising that a third of teachers quit in the first five years of teaching. 101 Ways to Win in Teaching in Secondary School provides a manual to help new teachers get through those first years and start to thrive in teaching.

In this short video, Gurdeep tells you how his book can help you.

Additional information

Weight 0.285 kg
Dimensions 15.2 × 0.6 × 22.9 cm


Print: 9781783173549; E-book: 9781783173556

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There are no market restrictions for this book.



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Printed book or E-book

E-book, Printed book

Product format

Teacher resource


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