Fifty Fantastic Assembly Stories

Fifty Fantastic Assembly Stories is a collection of 50 assembly stories, all set in Mill Lane Junior School, a fictional school. Children will enjoy getting to know the pupils and staff at Mill Lane and will relate to the moral dilemmas the characters face. Topics range from learning from experience, listening and cooperation to achievement, determination and courage.

Scroll down to find out more and download the ‘Try before you buy’ sample stories from the book.


ISBN: Print: 9781783171026; E-book: 9781783171033 Categories: , , , ,

£12.99£18.99 price excluding tax


Children will relate to the main characters in the stories as they are the same age as they are, play with the things they play with and are going through the same daily challenges as they are going through. As a result, children will be interested to find out what the characters do in different situations, whether it is confronting a bully, or admitting that they have made a mistake.

Each story in Fifty Fantastic Assembly Stories provides a moral dilemma for the character(s) to consider/tackle. The impact of the way in which the character deals with the dilemma is significantly greater as the pupils associate with and relate to the character.

The stories can be used at specific times of the year, when issues arise, or whenever you are suddenly called upon to do an assembly. They can even be introduced into the curriculum where appropriate.

Adrian Martin is the Head teacher of Greasby Junior School, an Ofsted-rated outstanding community school, located in the Wirral.

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Weight 0.3 kg


Print: 9781783171026; E-book: 9781783171033

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Age groups

Printed book or E-book

E-book, Printed book

Product format

Teacher resource


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Bernard stops the bullies: a story about conflict


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