
Cracking Creative Writing in KS1

Cracking Creative Writing in KS1 contains 75+ tried and tested activities to inspire children in Years 1 and 2 to write creatively, have fun playing with language and build their confidence as writers. Look inside.

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ISBN: Print: 9780857479655; E-book: 9780857479730 Categories: , , ,

£12.99£18.99 price excluding tax


With over 75 fun, creative writing activities linked to the grammar requirements of the National Curriculum, Cracking Creative Writing in KS1 inspires children in Years 1 and 2 to write creatively, have fun playing with language and build their confidence as writers. Key Stage 1 pupils will also be provided with opportunities to practise, reinforce and consolidate and so improve their grammar and punctuation skills.

The enjoyable activities encourage Key Stage 1 pupils to experiment with how they use grammar and punctuation in their writing – so they can see how it works, its rules, its possibilities – and crucially, therefore, how they can use it to improve their creative writing.

Each sheet begins with a stimulus poem or passage, to share with pupils and inspire them. The step-by-step teacher’s notes explain what young writers need to do to create their own piece of writing that they can be proud of. Links to the grammar, spelling and punctuation elements of the National Curriculum are clearly shown.

All the activities are designed to fit easily into one lesson making it easy to integrate them into your planning. Children are usually excited and surprised by what they can achieve in a short time. Differentiation suggestions make the activities easily adaptable for children of different abilities.

Writing matters. It matters to teachers, and it certainly matters to children – they want to be able to do it, and be good at it. These activities will help them to believe that they can write – and that it is fun!

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Print: 9780857479655; E-book: 9780857479730

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Printed book or E-book

E-book, Printed book

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Teacher resource


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Full table of contents showing SPaG and cross-curricular links


Read this 'Once Upon a Time' poem, created by children completing the activity


Now try the 'Once Upon a Time' activity with your class


Body Language - children will write a single sentence containing (possibly) the longest noun phrase ever


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