Life Processes and Living Things (Project Science Series)

The team of authors includes science specialists, and primary and special needs teachers. They have worked together to produce material that is clearly written, scientifically accurate and which primary school pupils will enjoy.

This book is part of a series of three covering all aspects of science in the KS2 National Curriculum. This book investgates the biological aspects of the curriculum, covering the life sciences. There are worksheets to guide pupils through investigations, and others designed to assess whether they have understood the scientific concepts. The book is written for the non-specialist and will save you hours preparing lesson plans and worksheets. The activities can be easily modified to meet the needs of your pupils.

£15.00 price excluding tax


Life Processes and Living Things contains worksheets for Key Stage 2 (KS2) covering life processes (including feeding, breathing, reproduction), humans, other animals, green plants, variation, classification and living things in their environment. It is one of a series of three books.

The books in the Project Science series closely match the National Curriculum and the QCA schemes of work. Each book contains over 60 photocopiable worksheets. The teachers’ notes give background information, ideas for extensions, answers for pupil pages, resources needed and teaching/safety notes.

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