Understanding Living Things – 2nd edition

This set of three science books is designed to help lower ability children develop scientific knowledge, conceptual understanding and learn to work scientifically.

ISBN: 9781783170999 Categories: , , , ,

£10.99 price excluding tax


The Brilliant Support Activities series is a set of three science books designed to help lower ability children, or those with special needs, to develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding and learn to work scientifically.

The books contain a mixture of paper-based tasks and ʻhands on’ activities. These will help develop the essential Scientific Enquiry skills as indicated in the Programmes of Study of the National Curriculum, namely those of Observation, Predicting, Recording and Drawing Conclusions.

The reproducible worksheets introduce one concept or National Curriculum statement per sheet (unless they are review sheets), and they can be used in any order. They are designed for use by individual pupils or to be used as a class activity if all the class are working at the same ability range. The sheets follow the areas of science outlined in the Programmes of Study of the Science National Curriculum for Year 1–3 and selected topics of Year 4 and 5.

Understanding Living Things shows the relevance and importance of understanding the science of Everyday Living Things. The biology topics cover a wide range of familiar and commonly encountered concepts. They are divided in the book according to the headings of the National Curriculum and grouped in activities related to Plants followed by Living Things (animals and humans).

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