What’s been happening at Brilliant Publications?

Apologies if you missed receiving a newsletter from me last week. I had a really bad cold, so wasn’t able to send one.

Boost Spelling Skills

This week I’ve been busy doing final checks on our two new spelling books, before they are sent to the printers. I’m sure these books will be so helpful for use with children who find spelling difficult. Judy Arden has developed some wonderful strategies to help pupils learn, understand and remember spelling rules. Even better, they are easy to use in the classroom.

I wish I’d known the following memory jogger for ‘piece’ when I was a child!
Can I have a piece of pie?

Here’s a riddle for you!

It is part of a bird.
Add a letter and you will find it in the park.

(Don’t worry – the answer is below!)

David Horner, the author of our Cracking Creative Writing books has sent me some wonderful brain games which he thought would be great additions to my weekly newsletter. I thought so too, so here is the first of them:

Add a Letter
This is a riddle-making game. To begin, think of a short word, which by adding just one letter, makes a new word. For example:

wing + s makes swing
pond + u makes pound

Your riddles should be two sentences, giving the reader clues to guess the two words. So, for the words above, the riddles might be:

It is part of a bird.
Add a letter and you will find it in the park.
It is some water – less than a lake but more than a puddle.
Add a letter and it is a golden coin.

Why not challenge your pupils to make riddles of their own in the same style. A dictionary will be a big help, both in finding words and using the definitions to write the clues.

Thank you from the foodbank

As you may recall, we decided that we would donate money to the local foodbank instead of sending out printed Christmas cards this year. We received a lovely thank you email from the Dunstable Foodbank.

With best wishes for next week!
01525 222292

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