What’s new at Brilliant Publications? (21 April 2022)

Dear Brilliant customer,
Here is what has been happening in the office this week.

We are celebrating World Creativity and Innovation Day today!

Thank you very much to all our authors, illustrators, staff and other creatives for helping us to achieve our vision of creating innovative, easy-to-use resources which will inspire and motivate pupils!

Ebook for Contemporary Children’s Literature, Years 3-4, is now available on our website!

Last week I reported that the Years 3-4 book for Contemporary Children’s Literature has gone to the printers. I’m pleased to say that you can now purchase the ebook from our website. You can also order a print copy of the book, which will be sent to you as soon as the book is published.

How’s this for a distracting view?

It’s been hard to concentrate in the office today, with so many distractions outside our windows. This morning not only did we have our marvellous view of Edlesborough Church and sheep and new-born lambs in the field – we also had a horse!

We love to hear from our customers. If you have any comments or queries about any of our products, please get in touch.

If you would like to receive more information from us, please tell us what interests you by clicking this link so that we can tailor the emails you receive – http://eepurl.com/gKMnqf.
With best wishes for next week!

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