It’s non-fiction November

How can we grab and keep a young reader’s interest?

There is something rather special about non-fiction literature.

Non-fiction texts are just as able to grab and keep a young reader’s interest as works of fiction.

As a source of information, non-fiction texts can be short passages and complete in themselves. Children will not feel the need to go on reading more and more.

In using non-fiction, children can learn interesting facts about the world in which they live and develop reading skills in a most productive way while at the same time improving their literacy skills.

We have three Developing Reading Comprehension Skills, Non-fiction books for Year 2, Years 3-4 and Years 5-6. Full of high quality, authentic non-fiction passages, the books are ideal to develop the skills needed to read and comprehend non-fiction through Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

For Key Stage 1 each extract is accompanied by carefully chosen questions to help pupils develop an understanding of all the Key Stage 1 question types. For key Stage 2 each extract has eight sets of questions based on the Key Stage 2 (KS2) Reading Content Domains and National Curriculum.

See the complete series of Developing Reading Comprehension Skills books.

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