Brilliant Stories for Assemblies

Brilliant Stories for Assemblies contains over 60 stories written by an experienced primary school headteacher and natural storyteller. Paul Urry has the gift of choosing the right words and subject matter to capture pupils’ interest and to inspire them.

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ISBN: Print: 9781903853498; E-book: 9780857470317 Categories: , , , ,

£12.99£18.99 price excluding tax


Interactive stories are a powerful and immediate way of conveying emotions, situations and information.

The stories in Brilliant Stories for Assemblies allow the teller to read, refine or adapt a variety of tales for a particular situation or audience. The collection covers a wide range of themes. Different stories can be used at specific times of the year, when issues arise or just when you are suddenly called upon to do an assembly! Many of them can also be adapted for class assemblies or different key stages.

The book is divided into four chapters:

  1. The cultural story section explores a wide variety of experiences from around the world. It includes tales that explain the world around us, folklore and fantasy characters.
  2. Stories from the six main world faiths are retold in the religious section. The focus of these is on the main figures in each religion, their acts, words and decisions.
  3. Children are at the centre of the moral section. Each story looks at a different situation, including bullying, birth of a sibling, racism and disability, allowing the listeners to imagine themselves in the place of the characters and to reflect on how they would react in a similar situation.
  4. The historical stories in this book explore the facts and examine the actions taken by individuals and focus on the outcome of events. All linked to the Key Stage 2 history curriculum

Each of the main historical periods of the Key Stage 2 curriculum are explored in the historical section. The stories include accurate retellings, myths and factual-based fiction. Each story ends with suggested questions to explore with the audience. These can be refined into prayers.

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Weight 0.3 kg


Print: 9781903853498; E-book: 9780857470317

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Age groups

Printed book or E-book

E-book, Printed book

Product format

Teacher resource


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Bullying: assembly resource


Disability: assembly resource


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