Families – 2nd Edition: Activities for 3–5 Year Olds

Families: Activities for 3-5 Year Olds contains enjoyable play activities designed to develop important preschool skills and positive relationships and are linked to the Early Learning Goals of the 2012 Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.

The family is the microcosm of a child’s world, making it an ideal early years theme. Families enables children to discover that, although they have a unique place in the world, they still share much in common with others. Every effort has been made to respect different family lifestyles, and to avoid stereotyping.



ISBN: 9780857470881 Categories: , ,

£3.99 price excluding tax


The practical activities include:

  • helping children to learn their address and telephone number
  • making individual and class books
  • looking for details in photographs
  • miming actions associated with family life

All the e-books in the Activities for 3-5 Year Olds Series contain tried-and-tested activities, linked to the Early Learning Goals of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, revised by the Department of Education for September 2012.

They are an invaluable resource of fun, easy-to-use ideas for all early years settings, from preschools and nurseries to reception classes and day nurseries.

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E-book: 9780857470881

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Teacher resource


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