
Fun Games and Activities for Teaching Times Tables

From 2018-19 all primary school children will be tested on their knowledge of the times tables. They will need to become fluent in the times tables, able to recall and apply them rapidly and accurately.

Fun Games and Activities for Teaching Times Tables provides stimulating and imaginative games to make the process of learning the times tables both effective and fun. Look inside.

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ISBN: Print: 9781783172740; E-book: 9781783172757 Categories: , , , ,

£5.00 price excluding tax


The first half of Fun Games and Activities for Teaching Times Tables contains games specifically aimed at teaching the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

The second half contains games appropriate for any of the times tables. These games are subdivided into three groups:

  • Games for learning each table in sequence
  • Games to test pupils’ memories and thinking skills as they try to identify the table they are working on
  • Games to teach children the different factors that can make up each answer.

The games require minimal preparation and ensure that all children gain a firm understanding of their times tables and will be able to recall them quickly and easily.

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Weight 0.3 kg


Print: 9781783172740; E-book: 9781783172757

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Age groups


Printed book or E-book

E-book, Printed book

Product format

Teacher resource


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Activity to find factors - any table


Activity to learn 2x table


Activity to learn 5x table


Activity to learn 10x table


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