62 results for “maths

We have found 62 results with the word you searched.

Why puzzle?

Most people will admit to liking puzzles of one type or another, be they word games, number games, or physical puzzles such as a Rubik’s cube.


For the more able

What are the most effective ways of stretching the minds of more able children at KS2? More able children are as varied in their individual attributes as everyone else in the class. Therefore a wide range of approaches and activities is needed to provide them with the stimulus that they need in school.


What’s been happening at Brilliant Publications?

Happy New  Year! I hope you had a good break and were able to recharge your batteries. Talking of recharging batteries, one night many years ago when I was putting my son to bed, he asked ‘where are the batteries inside us?’ I tried to tell him that we don’t have batteries, but he insisted…


If ever there was a need for problem solving …

As children get used to the idea of exploring ideas and seeing new approaches, the more it benefits them as individuals, and society as a whole.


Five free multi-sensory downloads

Not everyone has had the opportunity to try the multi-sensory approach, either because they have not come across such resources, or because there is a lingering thought that they are only available to teach spelling and maths.


The art of practice

Why does practising maths work – and what does it do to your brain? There is no doubt that practising anything can make one better at performing the task.


Assessment made simple

What is the most efficient and effective way of assessing learning in maths? Where assessing the progress of children in maths is a separate activity from the day to day teaching and learning, then this assessment adds to the workload of the teacher.


The Vision Within: A Practical Introduction …

The Vision Within provides a practical introduction to meditation and creative visualization for primary school teachers. The tried-and-tested visualization sequences are ready to use, with little or no preparation.

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Brilliant Activities for Stretching Gifted a…

Brilliant Activities for Stretching Gifted and Talented Children by Ashley McCabe Mowat provides activities to challenge the more able Key Stage 2 (KS2) child and develop their analytical, creative and evaluative skills. Activities range from quick warm-ups, brainteasers and whole class activities to maths focussed problems and open-ended challenges for pupils to work on independently. Look inside.

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How to Sparkle at Christmas Time

Written for Key Stage 1 (KS1) pupils by a practising teacher who appreciates the demands of Christmas. Most of the activities are language or maths based, but there is also a section containing activities which relate to religious and social education, art and design, games and problem solving.

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