What’s been happening at Brilliant Publications?

Happy New Year!
I hope you had a good break and were able to recharge your batteries.
Talking of recharging batteries, one night many years ago when I was putting my son to bed, he asked ‘where are the batteries inside us?’ I tried to tell him that we don’t have batteries, but he insisted that we did. It turns out that his preschool teacher often told the children that it was ‘time to go home to recharge their batteries!’

First book of the year has gone to the printers!
It’s always great to start the year as you mean to go on – and what better way than to send a book to the printers in the first week!
Cracking Creative Writing in KS1 contains 75+ tried and tested activities to inspire children in Years 1 and 2 to:
- write creatively
- have fun playing with language and
- build their confidence as writers.
You can find out more by clicking on the cover.
Should all students study maths until they are 18?
As you will have read in the news, Rishi Sunak has announced that he wants all children to study maths until they are 18. On the one hand, I am delighted that the Prime Minister is talking about the importance of education – and I love maths, having studied it till I was 18.
However, this scheme will only work if there is proper funding and sustained investment in well-trained teachers. Teacher recruitment for maths is consistently below target most years and vacancy rates are among the highest of any subject, according to the National Foundation for Education Research (NFER).
I also have to question whether making maths compulsory to 18 is the highest priority for education spending, when most schools are facing a funding crisis.
What do you think? What area of education would you like the government to spend money on?
With best wishes for next week!
01525 222292
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