This week at Brilliant Publications (16th June 2022)

It’s been an eventful and busy week.
Publishers Association reception at the House of Commons
On Monday I attended the Publishers Association’s summer reception at the House of Commons. Around 160 senior figures from the world of publishing as well as some politicians were there.
All the speakers were asked to name a book that had a strong influence on them. The books chosen varied from Winnie the Pooh to the Works of Samuel Johnson. It was fascinating to hear people’s reasons for choosing the book they did. The overall theme that came through again and again was that developing a love of reading in children is so important.
Article in the Bookseller
If that wasn’t enough excitement for one week, we also feature in the latest edition of the Bookseller (a trade magazine with a circulation of 30,000), as part of their Back to School Market Focus. As a small, independent publisher we were delighted to receive this recognition.

Our website was down temporarily on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. Apologies if you weren’t able to log on. The problem arose due to the way things are stored in the backend and has been fixed now.
Don’t forget our 20% off discount!
Until the end of June ( we are offering a 20% discount on all titles ordered via the website. Simply quote ‘brilliant22’ when you get to the checkout page. Please feel free to share the code with your friends and colleagues.

We love to hear from our customers. If you have any comments or queries about any of our products, please get in touch.
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With best wishes for next week!