What’s been happening at Brilliant Publications? (1 September 2022)

Dear Brilliant customer,
I hope you had a good summer break and wish you all the best for the new school year.
Developing Reading Comprehension Skills Years 3-4: Non-fiction
I always love to receive copies of our new books. Today we received copies of Kate Heap’s latest edition to the Developing Reading Comprehension Skills series. I particularly like this very topical article about women’s football. For more information on this book, please click here.

Try before you buy… or should I say, ‘Rap before you buy’?
We realise that school budgets are particularly stretched at the moment, so we don’t want you to spend your money on something that isn’t right for you. To make it easier to decide if you’d like to buy Learn French Through Raps we’ve added snippets of all the raps to our website. Please click here, then scroll down to the bottom of the page. I love all the raps, but I think my favourites are: Dans ma chambre and Ma famille. Please let me know which ones you like best!

What makes a great character in a story?
Talking to children about characters in fairy tales is a great way of helping them to develop characters in their own stories. Often young children will focus first on the character’s physical characteristics. They need to be encouraged to look beyond this to think about the character’s personality. For example, is Jack brave? He did climb up the beanstalk, after all. Would you say he is clever? He was able to trick the giant due to his quick thinking. But is he trustworthy? Was it right that he ran off with the harp? For more ideas on how to develop character (taken from How to Achieve Outstanding Writers in the EYFS and Key Stage 1) please click here. To find out more about the book, please click here.

We love to hear from our customers. If you have any comments or queries about any of our products, please get in touch. Our contact form is here.
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