What’s new at Brilliant Publications? (10 Mar Newsletter)

Here is what has been happening in the office this week.

What a ‘cracking’ cover!

This morning we received our advance copies of Cracking English Grammar in KS2.

It’s always difficult to choose what image to put on the cover of a book. Do we try to reflect the activities that are in the book or do we go for a really striking image, like we’ve done in this case? I hope you like the image that we’ve chosen. To find out more about the activities in the book, please go to our website.

Two 5* reviews for 21 Fun Songs to Teach French Phonics

We were thrilled to read the two new reviews which were posted on Amazon this week for 21 Fun Songs to Teach French Phonics. We’re so pleased that you and your pupils like the book and the videos! If you wrote one of these reviews, please get in touch. We’d like to offer you a discount on your next purchase.

What recipes would you choose?

I learned this week that included in the Levelling Up document published by the government a couple of weeks ago, there is funding of £5 million to support the teaching of healthy eating so that every child can leave school knowing how to cook six recipes. If you had to choose just six recipes that children had to learn to make, which would you pick?

If you are looking for easy to follow recipes to use with children, Get Cooking in the Classroom  has some great recipes, ranging from tomato and cheese scones and saucy fish pie to couscous salad and – one of my favourites – ginger and pineapple cheesecake.

We love to hear from our customers. If you have any comments or queries about any of our products, please get in touch.

If you would like to receive more information from us, please tell us what interests you by clicking this link so that we can tailor the emails you receive – http://eepurl.com/gKMnqf.

With best wishes for next week!



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