Enough stories to last forever

Hands up the teacher who has never felt short of a story to present in assembly!

Forgive the presumption, and I do hope you appreciate that I am merely seeking to grab attention with that headline.  But that of course is what all good stories, all good lessons and indeed all assemblies, do at the very start.

We always start by grabbing attention.

Which is exactly what the assorted tales in the volume Fifty Fantastic Assembly Stories do.  They grab the children’s attention and then take them on a journey which entertains, informs and above all leaves them thinking about issues they have not fully considered before.

But more than that, these stories offer the pupils a way of developing their understanding of the importance of, and impact of their behaviour within the school and beyond, as well as promoting mutual respect and tolerance.

The stories are grouped into key themes such as achievement, justice, learning from experience, friendship, trust, teamwork, caring … and it is this structure which immediately gives the children something to hold on to as they assimilate the lessons of each new story into the world that they inhabit.

This approach allows you to work through a particular theme over a number of days or weeks, or alternatively move from theme to theme, allowing your colleagues in the classroom to link the story back to previous tales, and indeed everyday events, where appropriate.

Additionally, each story focuses on the life of a particular child which helps make each tale ever more real, and again allows your classroom colleagues to talk with the children about the lives that these children within the stories lead.

As such the characters and their lives become ever more real as the story-based assembly becomes a central part of the children’s education.

The book is available both in printed form and as an e-book and there are more details on our website.

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