Tag / Key Stage 2
We all love familiarity
When it comes to fiction, children learn lessons most readily from the adventures of characters they know.
November 9, 2023 -
The value of being real
Books containing high quality authentic fiction extracts or non-fiction passages. Introduce the skills needed for KS2 SATs and 11+ Reading Comprehension papers.
September 20, 2023 -
Give me a title
Some children will respond to “What is a Butterphant?” with images and ideas flashing into their minds. Others may respond – “I don’t know what to write”. Frustrating.
August 29, 2023 -
The ultimate memory aid for learning French
When children sing and dance along with the video of a simple song in French, not only does their pronunciation improve but their recall is heightened.
July 11, 2023 -
Time to play with the language
What is the most effective way of teaching parts of speech and punctuation?
Imagine taking each individual element of the KS2 SPaG agenda and building a creative activity with which all the children in the class could become involved. What would the result be?
April 18, 2023 -
Why puzzle?
Most people will admit to liking puzzles of one type or another, be they word games, number games, or physical puzzles such as a Rubik’s cube.
March 28, 2023 -
Creative Writing: Cracked
What is the most effective way of giving children the confidence to explore and experiment with their writing? The aim is something that we can all aspire to making creative writing an…
January 18, 2023 -
Teaching phonics to aid pronunciation
I am in the group of pupils who (a while ago now!) did not have grammar and punctuation taught in their English lessons. This made learning other languages quite a challenge. Clare…
January 17, 2023 -
Why do we enjoy singing and dancing?
… because it creates an emotional response. Did you manage to join Catherine Cantin and Joe Dale with their webinar on Singing and Dancing in the Primary MFL Classroom? If you were…
January 11, 2023 -
Why use songs and actions to teach languages?
Many of us who listen to popular music find that although we have never tried to learn the lyrics, we can in fact recall them for a large number of such songs.
December 19, 2022
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