
Developing Reading Comprehension Skills Year 2: Fiction and Poetry

Help pupils develop the skills needed to read and comprehend fiction and poetry in Key Stage 1 as well as ensuring a successful transition to Year 3, using these poems and extracts from children’s stories.

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ISBN: Print: 9780857479952; E-book: 9780857479952 Categories: , ,

£13.99£21.99 price excluding tax


Developing Reading Comprehension Skills Year 2: Fiction and Poetry provides a gentle introduction to more formal comprehension with 20 engaging fiction texts and poems which will encourage a love of reading. For each poem and story extract, thought-provoking questions help pupils gain an understanding of all the Key Stage 1 question types: retrieval, inference, vocabulary, sequencing and prediction.

The Developing Reading Comprehension Skills series makes it easy to have a consistent whole-school approach from Year 2 all the way through to the Key Stage 2 SATs. It is suitable for new and recently qualified teachers as well as those who are more experienced and wanting to expand the range of texts they use. If you are looking for a comprehensive resource to enhance reading provision and teaching in the classroom or to support home education, this series is exactly what you need.

Additional information

Weight .5 kg
Dimensions 30 × 21 × 1 cm


Print: 9780857479952; E-book: 9780857479976

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Printed book or E-book

E-book, Printed book

Product format

Teacher resource


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Read this extract about 'The Worst Witch' as she starts her training


Answer these questions about 'The Worst Witch' using the extract (retrieval)


Use inference to answer these questions about 'The Worst Witch'


Enjoy reading this poem about 'the 'Cat in the Dark'


Explore the vocabulary used in the poem as you answer these questions


Try these sequence and prediction questions to help you understand the poem


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