What’s been happening at Brilliant Publications?

This has been a week of two halves for me. Yesterday I got all glammed up and went into London. It was hot! Today I am very pleased to be able to dress more casually and sit close to one of the office fans!

Publishers Association Summer Reception

I was pleased to attend the Publishers Association Summer Reception at the House of Commons yesterday. The amazing Bonnie Garmus (author of Lessons in Chemistry) was the guest speaker.  I thoroughly recommend her book if you haven’t read it.

In this photo, I am standing in front of the Speaker’s State Coach which is on display in Westminster Hall (the oldest part of the building). The reception was on the terraces, down by the river. I enjoyed walking through the central lobby to get there (sadly they don’t allow you to take photographs as you walk through).

Checking, and more checking

I always underestimate the amount of time it will take to do the final checks on a book. Have we included answers to all the questions? Are any of them ambiguous? Are all the page references correct? As a result – I’ve spent much of this week checking proofs – more than I was planning to!

Blog of the week

For my blog of the week, I’ve chosen one on gifted children, or ‘bright sparks’ as the author of A Brilliant IQ: Gift or Challenge, Lyn Kendall, likes to call them.

Sometimes people assume that gifted children have pushy parents. However, as the parents of any bright spark will tell you, it’s the kids that are pushy. They are the ones who are constantly asking questions and wanting to know more. They often find school quite frustrating. On the one hand, they are intellectually way ahead of their classmates, but on the other, they might lag behind in physical or social and emotional development.

Lyn Kendall is ideally placed to advise on gifted children as she is British Mensaʼs Gifted Child Consultant.

To read the blog, please click here.

With best wishes for next week!

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