Multi-Sensory Spanish

What is the single most effective way of teaching Spanish in Primary School? 

It has been realised since the days of Montessori that a multi-sensory approach to teaching and learning is by far the most effective that there is. For if one can incorporate sight, touch, and hearing into a lesson, learning is faster and remains accessible for longer. 

Better still, that learning is then transferred to the long term memory and so is ready for use later. 

One particularly effective use of the multi-sensory method is for teaching phonics. Through using a sound-action-image method, pupils learn an action for each phoneme which in turn is linked to a colourful cartoon image and the graphemes associated with that sound. 

They can then also undertake the action represented in the words, and the memory becomes even more secure.  

Better still the approach has been proven to work with all ability levels and is thus a particularly effective way of raising self-esteem among the less able. 

It was to enable schools to use this singularly effective multi-sensory learning approach when teaching Spanish phonics that “Physical Spanish Phonics” was published.

Indeed not only does the work focus on the multi-sensory approach, it also comes with interactive videos and audio files to ensure the correct pronunciation of each phoneme. 

The sentence-building activities and word games in the teacher’s book then reinforce what has been learned while the interactive whiteboard materials make it easy to apply the approach to teaching new vocabulary. 

To see how this works we have placed an example of a sentence structure worksheet on our website, along with full details of how the approach works, as well as a complete guide to the contents of the book.

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