What’s been happening at Brilliant Publications?

We are having marvellous weather this week. I hope you are too. The sheep in the field behind our office seem to be really enjoying the sunshine too.
Ever wonder if your reviews get noticed?
Yes, they do!
Personal recommendations from people you know and trust will always be the best way of deciding if it is worth buying a book (or any product for that matter). But good reviews must come a close second.
From the customer’s point of view, reviews are great as you can read how a fellow teacher has used the book in the classroom and what bits they found particularly useful.
But there is another benefit, which is particularly helpful to us as a small independent company. Amazon (and other large online stores) use algorithms to decide which products to promote to customers. Put simply, the more a product sells and the more reviews it has, the more Amazon will promote it and put it higher up in any searches. So simply by posting a review for one of our books on Amazon, you are increasing the chance of someone else seeing the book.
So, if you like our books, please take a few moments to write a review – they really do help!
It’s been a busy editorial week for me
I’ve been busy editing two new manuscripts written by Kate Heap for the Developing Reading Comprehension Skills series. They are both for Year 2 – one focuses on Non-fiction and the other on Fiction and Poetry. Several schools asked us if we could extend the scheme down to KS1, so that they could have a whole-school approach to teaching reading comprehension, and we were glad to oblige. The books will be published in September.
Kate has chosen such great passages for both books, it’s hard to choose a favourite. However, I must admit that I’m very partial to ‘A Day in the Life of a Bee’ by Mike Barfield and Jess Bradley (taken from A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You, published by Buster Books) which is in the Year 2 non-fiction book.

Blog of the week
We have so many great blogs on our website, I’ve decided to highlight one each week in my newsletter.
This week’s blog focuses on the benefits of using music to teach foreign languages. Children have an inborn inclination to respond to music so singing is a great way to embed good French pronunciation and common vocabulary and phrases.

With best wishes for next week!
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