47 results for “spelling

We have found 47 results with the word you searched.

Confidence is everything

What is the one thing that more than anything else dissuades a child from reading and writing? The answer to this question is “confidence.”


What’s been happening at Brilliant Publications?

The latest two books in the Boost Spelling Skills series have gone to the printers. I am looking forward to seeing printed copies in a couple of weeks.


What’s been happening at Brilliant Publications?

The author of our Cracking Creative Writing books has sent me some wonderful brain games he thought would be great additions to my newsletter. I thought so too.


Teaching phonics to aid pronunciation

I am in the group of pupils who (a while ago now!) did not have grammar and punctuation taught in their English lessons. This made learning other languages quite a challenge. Clare Seccombe, an MFL teacher and consultant in the north-east of England, has written a very interesting blog about teaching Spanish phonics. Clare trained…


Cracking Creative Writing in KS1

Cracking Creative Writing in KS1 contains 75+ tried and tested activities to inspire children in Years 1 and 2 to write creatively, have fun playing with language and build their confidence as writers. Look inside.

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We don’t all learn how to spell the same way

There is nothing wrong with remembering how to spell “could” by using the memory jogger “could old unicorns like doughnuts?”


Is it really possible to teach SPaG with games?

What child can resist the part of their English coursework that is titled “How to be rude - like William Shakespeare”? Or how about “A Martian is learning English”?


How do you spell Tuesday?

Children who develop a range of strategies to help them with spelling, are the children who more readily learn to spell and read words that are unfamiliar.


Five free multi-sensory downloads

Not everyone has had the opportunity to try the multi-sensory approach, either because they have not come across such resources, or because there is a lingering thought that they are only available to teach spelling and maths.


What’s been happening at Brilliant Publications? (13 October 2022)

Today is ‘National Train Your Brain Day’ in the United States. I thought it was a fun thing to celebrate. What do you like to do to stimulate your brain?
