What’s new at Brilliant Publications? (17 February 2022)

Where is your nearest bakery?

Did you know that, in Paris, 94% of people live within 5 minutes of a bakery? (In case you are interested, I learned this fact this morning from a recently published study called ‘L’Évolution des Commerces à Paris’.) As I live in the countryside and the nearest village shop is 1.5 miles away, I am quite envious of Parisians.

If, like me, you love learning unusual facts (especially about France and French-speaking countries), I recommend looking at our series of Brilliant French Information Books. For example, did you know that the national symbol of Belgium is a lion or that the first bicycles, invented by Frenchmen Ernest and Pierre Michaux, didn’t have pedals?

What makes this series of information books particularly unique is that the books have been written in French especially for young learners in primary schools. The vocabulary is carefully controlled and there is lots of repetition to reinforce language and patterns.

We have been busy working on our new website
We are thrilled with the way our new website is looking. Our launch date won’t be for a few weeks as we still have a few more tweaks to do before it goes live, but we’re so excited about it, I didn’t want to wait until then before mentioning it.

The primary reason for updating the site was because too many customers were experiencing problems at the checkout stage (apologies if this happened to you). Rather than just fix our technical problems, we’ve used the opportunity to give the site a facelift. The new site is so colourful, attractive and easy to use – a bit like our books, really!

Hold on to your hats!
I’ve just heard that Storm Eunice has just been upgraded to red for some parts of the United Kingdom. Gusts of up to 100mph are expected and damage to homes, train cancellations and power cuts are likely. I hope, wherever you are based, that you don’t suffer too much storm damage and are able to stay safe.

We love to hear from our customers. If you have any comments or queries about any of our products, please get in touch. Our contact form is here.

With best wishes for next week!


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