What’s new at Brilliant Publications? (20 January 2022)

Dear Brilliant customer,
Here is what is happening in the office this week.

Thank you for your reviews!
We love reading customers’ reviews. For example, this week someone posted the following wonderful review on Amazon for 21 Fun Songs to Teach French Phonics:

“I have been using this fantastic book to teach children in KS2 French phonics. They absolutely love the songs and the worksheets which accompany each sound. It appeals to all learning styles and it is wonderful to hear the children spontaneously singing the songs. It works wonderfully for younger children too.”

I know you are busy people and writing reviews is probably very far down your ‘to do’ list. Therefore, I’d like to offer a little incentive. We will give everyone who posts a review (on our website, Amazon or another online bookshop) a 10% discount. Simply email me a screenshot of your review and I’ll send you a discount code.

How do you make French ‘unforgettable’?
This week I’ve been busy editing Maria Rice-Jones’ new resource book for students studying French. Like Unforgettable French, it is full of Maria’s creative memory tricks. In case you aren’t familiar with Maria’s memory tricks which are based on sound and idea associations, here is one example. Students often forget to add an ‘e‘ in ‘nous mangeons‘ – we eat. Get them to imagine that the letter ‘e‘ is opening its mouth to eat. That is why the letter ‘e‘ always appears in the conjugation of ‘manger‘.

New cover!
After much deliberation we have chosen the cover image for Cracking English Grammar in KS2. We had great fun thinking of all the things that could be ‘cracked’! I hope you like it.

We love to hear from our customers. If you have any comments or queries about any of our products, please get in touch.

If you would like to receive more information from us, please tell us what interests you by clicking this link so that we can tailor the emails you receive – http://eepurl.com/gKMnqf.
With best wishes for next week!

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